
POTD 8.7.07

I don't have very much time to update today. :( Kendall and I are about before he has to be at work and then Shannon and I are {SCRAPBOOKING} :) yay! :) So, I guess just a couple that I've edited since the last post of the race. These are of the guys from the Alabama youth challenge. For those of you who do not know, DH is a runner, and a very good one at that! :) He works with the the YC program and got to take these boys out to the 5K. Unfourtunatly, I didn't really get to get any of Kendall running with them in formation. :(
.I really love this-the triumph on the guy's face is just so cool. You really can't see it b/c of my watermark, but i love how his feet are way up in the air. Oh, and the reason he is much lighter than than the rest of the photograph, is that he is jumping up in the water mist. Cool huh?


POTD 8.5.07

Yay! I can post pictures again! These are some of the ones that I took at the race yesterday. {candace}
.the lovely Miss.Amanda is about to cross the finish line. Go Amanda GO!

.I like this one. her feet don't touch the ground.
.This one really has to be one of my favorites, I just adore the look on this guy's face-just sheer happiness.

.i thought that this was an interesting take on things. I just hate that he's not as in focus as I'd like-but I liked the picture anyways.

.i love my saxophone.

Oh snap, crackle, AND pop! This silly thing is not letting me post my POTD. {grrrrrr}
Ok, so I guess that I'll just TELL you about my day versus SHOWING you my day. The last few days have been crazy-it's called bein' an insomniac. Last night I could not sleep yet again and so I just ended up going to the Woodstock 5k to cheer for Kendall and his little running group. Plus, the idea of taking pictures of the whole shindig really was an added bonus :) Anyways, after I got home from the race, Kendall just wanted to relax. I said Ok, just make sure that I don't fall asleep. {I had a baby shower to go to} Wellllllll.....of course I fell asleep 'round 11 or so and woke up about an hour later. Just in time to realize that I didn't have time to drive to it about 45 minutes away. I was so mad. But it worked out ok. I gave Brittany {my little sis} our present. Then last night, Kendall and I went over to visit mom, dad, and pup. Kendall and I took mom and pup on a walk. Afterwards, Kendall and I went upstairs and practiced our saxophones for about 3 hours. {It was the best fun!} Well, when we got home, we fell asleep about 2ish and I woke up at 4ish. I just could not go to sleep so after a hour of trying I gave up. Oh well, yet another day as an insomniac. Hope that you had sweet dreams, {candace}


POTD 8.4.07

short post today. The other day when I went out to shoot the pictures of my friend Kat {see a few entries down} I also took some of this wonderful Spanish style church on Ft.McClellan. It just had such a wonderful detail to it. The middle picture was actually shot in March but the other two were just last week. I hope that you enjoy! :) {candace}

POTD 8.3.07

My POTD is featuring two of my very good friends {lora and Jeffrey}. I have known them both since highschool. Lora and i became friends over our hatred of math and jeff and I over our love of music. It's a funny story really, Jeff went to a school about 2 hours from us. Ever since 7th grade i tried out for All-State honor band. That's how I met Jeff-at an All-State audition when we were in the 9th grade. {We had the same saxophone necklace-lol! :)} The next year we made the same band and got each other's AIM names-so we would chat on messenger. Jeff and I continued to be friends throughout high school and would see each other at various honor bands. Meanwhile, Lora was one of my best friends at oxford. I wish that everyone could meet lora-she is one of the {funniest, sweetest, most caring} people in the whole wide world. I just love her. Well, the time to go to college came near and I found out that Jeff was coming to JSU to major in Music ED. A few months after he got here he met Lora. He liked her-and who wouldn't!? However, it wasn't their time yet so fast foward a couple of years. Jeff and Lora met again. I just LOVE them together. It is the best feeling to see two people that I love and care about so IN LOVE with EACH OTHER! That's what I love so much about this series of pictures. I just love that you can see the love in their eyes when they look at each other-in a word it is simply {beautiful}. It really makes me happy to see them happy-both were there for me when I went through the HECK of my life and both were there when I found the LOVE of my life. So thank you to Lora and Jeff. {now, i want to do MORE pictures of you guys! :) }
.yeah, this is just them smoochin.
.This is Lora's family and Megan they are such a sweet bunch!

.I think that I ALMOST got it with this picture! Jeff has this look that he gives lora that is just so full of love. I've been DYING to catch it completly but I think that this may have been the closest that I've come.

.She's probally tellin' me "NO PICTURES PLEASE." :) {inside joke.}

.I just couldn't resist a storyboard oppurtunity.
Well, I guess that's about it for today. I've gotta go and make a card now for a baby shower in a few hours {it's 3:24am}. Have a wonderful day! :) {candace}


.just bored.

just thought that I would post the latest addition to my ever growing family of storyboards. :) This one is also from the shoot with Sawyer. I really have the very best time creating these things. Oh, and I now know how to install fonts into my computer.....let's just say that {I went on a little font frenzy}! :) So my entire day has gone to designing. I guess that I haven't been camped out in front of the computer ALL day...Kendall came home for lunch and so I left for a little while...:) I guess it's a good thing that I'm making all of this my career-I spend so much time with computers. :)

POTD 8.2.07

It's 6:57 in the morning and I'm wide awake. I went to bed around 1 and woke-up at 5. So, I decided to make good use of the time and do what I do when I have some time to spare-PHOTOSHOP! :) The other day I had a delightful time shooting Sawyer {the cutest little boy}. Well, I thought that it would be cute to do a collage of some of the faces and expressions that I got while doing the shoot. Some of them are just down right {adorable}! I have never done this before but really liked the result. I'm almost finished with editing and designing his pictures. I hope that these will always help him to remember what an adorable 1 year old he is! Oh, and if anyone would like to give me their oppinion, I am posting the black & white version and the chocolate version of this collage-I'm not really sure which I like better. Which do you like more? {candace}
. Here is the one in Chocolate.
. Here is the one in plain black and white.


POTD 8.1.07

I hope that you enjoy the new page design. :) I get bored with a design pretty easily, so every month or two I like a change of scenery. I'm going to try and work with color schemes that work well with pink and tourquise though {my favorite colors}.
That way my text won't look too funky with my designs! :) Anyways, on the photography! :)
One of my best friends {Kat} was kind enough to endure scorching heat to model for a photo shoot! She was such a great sport. We decided to do some shots at the Buckner Center on Ft.McClellan. I think that they turned out great-Kat really knows how to work the camera :) !
Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot.

POTD 7.31.07

gah! finally! the last time i updated i believe we were still at the start of july and here we are in AUGUST!!!! I've done a lot of phot shooting since then soooo i've got a lot of posting to do. The question is where to start? Nothing really important has happend since my last post. Life has been uneventful here lately. However, in a few more weeks it will once again become CRAZY--it's that time of the year when i go back to school. :( In a way it's kinda weird-this should be my very last fall semester that I will ever take....YAY! :) As of right now I am due to graduate in the spring-April to be exact. {yeah, i've been counting down the months}
Atleast I will get to start my digital photography class in just a few more weeks-THAT I'm excited about! :) Ok, enough of my rambling-ON to the pictures! :)
Last Saturday, we went to my friend Megan's wedding-it was very lovely. I got some fun shots of her BIG day! :)

. I really love making storyboards-here is the one that I put together for Megan and Nick's wedding.
.no wedding is complete without a bride's maid BRAWL!!!!!

.i like this one a lot-'cept that bubble RIGHT on Megan's face.

.too bad that this is a little too snapshotty....

.i really like this one-although the whole selective coloring thing is kinda old. I actually really think that this one works well with the SC.
.i just loved the cake-and it was yummy! :)

.this one is most likely one of my favorites! i'm really working right now on getting my colors just right and I think I hit it in this one! :)


POTD 7.8.07

Well, I hope that 7.7.07 was a lucky day for you. It kinda was for me. Bad News: I over slept and missed my shot at going to the flea market to look at the cute bunnies. Good News: I got some new DVD's and I got the LAST copy of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire that they had on sale...so I'd consider that pretty lucky. Oh, and I get to hang out with my SIL on Wednesday! We are going to go see the new HP movie! :) Plus, she is going to teach me how to sew a curtain! :) She's the BEST!
Here in Alabama, it rained all day-a good thing considering we are in the middle of a drought right now. So no new pictures today. However, I thought that I would post an oldie goldie from a few months ago. This was my very first baby shoot. I had the VERY best time with these guys! These are a couple of the storyboards that I made for their mommies. Hopefully, I will see my sister at my parent's house later today and get some good pictures of her! :)
Have a wonderful day! :)
***sorry about this one bein' pixalated. I tried to make it bigger and instead screwed it up.***